Build an income-generating real estate portfolio, easily
Access prime real estate across multiple markets
Sign up in less than 3 minutes and browse our collection of global properties and funds, sourced by experts
Grab a piece of the ones you love, from only AED 500
Skip the hassle, and buy shares in your favourite deals, no matter where you are in the world.
Enjoy regular passive income with no effort
Sit back and earn consistent rental income from your brand new real estate portfolio
Paid directly to your Stake wallet
Tap into liquidity when you need it most
T Realise your full investment appreciation at maturity or take early profits by selling within our community
Sell during our Exit WindowsEvery 6 months
Full sale of properties and funds2-5 year holding terms
The global leader in digital real estate investing
Diversify across different asset types and countries
Registered users
AED 556
Property transactions
User nationalities
AED 22.9
Rental income paid
Coming soon
Build new income streams with rental payments from income generating properties and funds
AED 22.9M+
Total Rental Income Paid
Average Rental Yield in 2023
Watch your investment grow as property values appreciate and funds near maturity
Properties Funded Since 2021
Average Investor Appreciation in 2023
Exit your investments at maturity or take early profits by selling during our bi-annual exit windows
Properties Fully Exited
AED 12.3M+
Traded During Exit Windows
We value your trust as much as your investments
About Us
StakeGets: Your Gateway to Real Estate Investments
At StakeGets, we believe in empowering individuals to grow their wealth by investing in premium real estate opportunities. Our platform connects aspiring and experienced investors with high-potential properties in some of the world's fastest-growing markets, including Dubai and Saudi Arabia.
Our Mission
Our mission is to make real estate investing accessible to everyone, regardless of their experience or budget. By leveraging the latest technology and partnering with leading market experts, we aim to simplify the investment process and provide transparent access to lucrative real estate projects.
How It Works
Browse Opportunities
Discover a curated selection of residential and commercial properties carefully chosen for their growth potential and profitability.
Invest Seamlessly
Start investing with as little as $500. Our intuitive platform guides you through the process step-by-step, ensuring clarity and confidence in every decision.
Earn Passive Income
Enjoy regular returns on your investments, supported by detailed reporting and insights into the performance of your properties.
Why Choose StakeGets?
We provide clear and detailed information about each investment opportunity, ensuring you have all the facts before making a decision.
With low entry thresholds, anyone can start building their real estate portfolio.
Our team of real estate and financial experts carefully selects the best investment opportunities for you.
Your investments are protected with cutting-edge technology and partnerships with trusted property management firms.